Mr Simon Roberts
Year of Qual
Areas of expertise / interest
My practice is entirely sports injuries and trauma, but this includes caring for the musculoskeletal problems of active people of all ages. I do not do any joint replacements at all so that I can specialise and improve the treatments which I can offer. The majority of my work is minimally invasive surgery of the knee, shoulder and ankle for problems of joint instability, ligament and cartilage problems and joint surface defects.
The common condition treated in the knee are cartilage (meniscus) tears and ligament injuries, especially anterior cruciate (ACL), in the shoulder, dislocations and subluxations of the shoulder and acromioclavicular (ACJ) joint as well as pain in the throwing athlete. In the ankle, as well as tendonitis, arthroscopy is useful for sprains and ligament tears, loose bodies and footballers’ “spurs”.I train junior doctors in the examination, assessment and management of these conditions.
I have treated elite & professional sportsmen since 1999 from numerous clubs & associations including seven Premiership football & eight rugby Superleague teams. I have also treated participants in a large number of other sports including the England rugby union team & Olympic athletes. Increasingly, we are seeing athletes referred to us from abroad. The experience gained in treating elite athletes is helping us find the best treatments for sports enthusiasts of all ages and abilities.
Current post
Consultant Orthopaedic & Sports Injury Surgeon. RJAH Oswestry
Oswestry & Spire Yale in Wrexham
Contact details
01691 404094. jane@sportsinjurysurgery.com
Clinics (NHS + Private)
Monday, Tuesday & Friday
Founder member, Hon Sec British Orthopaedic Sports Trauma & Arthroscopy Association.
International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine.
European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy.
British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine.
International Cartilage Repair Society.
British Association for Surgery of the Knee.
British Elbow & Shoulder Society.
Foundation Fellow of the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine (UK)
Examiner for the Intercollegiate Faculty of Sport & Exercise Medicine.
Training (undergrad / postgrad / fellowship)
Cambridge University, Oxford University, UK general Orthopaedic training with specialist sports fellowships in Australia, Europe & USA.
Roberts SNJ. Tissue Injury & Repair: Articular Cartilage. Chapter in: Sports Injuries. Hutson & Speed. OUP 2011. ISBN 978-0-19-953390-9.
Roberts SNJ, Foley APJ, Swallow HM, Wallace WA, Coughlan DP. The geometry of the humeral head and humeral prosthesis design. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 1991; 73-B: 647-650.
Roberts SNJ, Taylor DE, Brown JN, Hayes MG. Saies A. Open & Arthroscopic Techniques for the Treatment of Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Instability in Australian Rules Football Players. Journal of Shoulder & Elbow Surgery 8(5):403-9, 1999 Sep-Oct.
Edwards DJ, Brown JN, Roberts SNJ, Paterson RS. Long-term results of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using ilio-tibial tract and semitendinosis tendon. The Knee. 7 (2): 87-93 2000.
Bailey A, Goodstone N, Roberts S, Hughes J, Roberts S, Van Niekerk L, Richardson J, Rees D. Rehabilitation after Oswestry autologous chondrocyte implantation: The Oscell protocol. J Sports Rehabil. 2003: 12: 104-118.
Roberts SNJ. Graft choice in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Techniques in Knee Surgery. 4(2):112-119, June 2005.
Balain B, Ennis O, Kanes G, Singhal R, Roberts SNJ, Rees D, Kuiper JH. Response shift in self-reported functional scores after knee microfracture for full thickness cartilage lesions. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2009; 17 (8): 1009-1013.
Gallagher PD, Gilbert R, Kanes G, Roberts SNJ, Rees D. White on white meniscal tears to fix or not to fix? The Knee, Volume 17, Issue 4, August 2010, Pages 270-273.
Effects of knee compartment, concomitant surgery and smoking on medium-term outcome of microfracture. B. Balain, C. Kerin, G. Kanes, S.N. Roberts, D. Rees, J.H. Kuiper. The Knee 19 (2012) 440-444.